The Translator by RiskPro
Solutions, ideas, and interviews delivered in swift and fun way for investment advisors, financial firms, compliance, back offices, and portfolio managers anyone more curious than the average bear. All of this is brought to you by Julie Mochan, also host of Open Windows Investing by TPFG. www.tpfg.com
The Translator by RiskPro
Episode 3: Run A Successful Company and Home School? Jennie Tells Us How
Episode #3: Julie interviews the President of Cantella and Company, Inc. of Boston, Jennie Devlin. This is a super fast and fun talk with a woman to watch in the financial industry. Got a career? Got a kid? Got a kid and then some twins? Got all that and Riskpro too? Jennie tells us how to handle it all in style!
Learn More About RiskPro: https://www.riskproadvisor.com/
Office: 949-259-6928
2077 West Coast Highway, Suite A
Newport Beach, CA 92663
Learn More About Cantella & Co.Inc. at: https://www.cantella.com/
Cantella & Co., Inc.
350 Main Street 3rd Floor
Malden, MA 02148
Map | Directions
(800) 333-3502
(617) 521-8630
This recording has been prepared and made available by RiskPro® to be used for information purposes only. RiskPro® is an investment risk profiling and portfolio construction software as a service platform developed by ProTools, LLC (“ProTools”). The information contained herein, including any expressions of opinion, has been obtained from or is based on sources believed to be reliable but its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed and is subject to change without notice. Any expressions of opinions reflect the views of the speakers and are not necessarily those of ProTools, LLC or its affiliates. ProTools does not provide investment, tax or legal advice. Investors should consult their financial, tax or legal professionals before investing. Cantella & Co., Inc. and ProTools, LLC have no affiliation.
Music by: Araelia Lopatic